New Collaboration between Nova Ambiente and Orbis Advisory
Nova Ambiente/Nova Group, GBC and Risk Management Partners Join Forces
Nova Ambiente assists AEW with the acquisition of an office building in Hamburg
Nova Ambiente supports Mileway with the largest ever private real estate deal
Commerz Real sells office building to AEW
Nova Ambiente provides advice to AEW on their purchase of a logistics Park in Würzburg
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Palmira on their purchase of a property in Fulda
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Palmira on their purchase of an industrial parc in Dieburg
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Sirius on their purchase of a business park in Essen
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Palmira on their purchase of a logistics centre in Ottmarsheim
Nova Ambiente assists Kamco Invest \M7 with the acquisition of four office assets for c.£120 million
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Palmira on their acquisition of a Dutch logistics property
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Palmira on their acquisition of a last mile logistics property
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Nuveen on their acquisition of 2 Logistics Properties
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Nuveen on their purchase of a distribution centre near Munich
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Palmira on their purchase of logistics properties in Hamburg
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Palmira on their purchase of a business park in Wiesbaden
Nova Ambiente provides advice to Palmira on their purchase of corporate property in Hamburg Airport
Nova Ambiente advice Palmira on their investment of a corporate property in Radebeul/Dresden
Nova Ambiente was subcontractor for acquisition of German Logistic centre in Magdeburg