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Nova Ambiente assists AEW with the acquisition of a logistics property near Düsseldorf.


AEW has announced the acquisition of a 19,500 sqm fully let Grade A logistics property in Langenfeld, near Düsseldorf.

The property comprises two modern warehouse units, which are fully let to a leading logistics service provider specialising in e-commerce fulfilment solutions.

The building is certified DGNB 'PLATINUM' and meets the highest ESG criteria with a PV system, air-to-air heat pumps, e-charging stations, LED lighting and a partially green façade.

The property is strategically located in the centre of one of Germany's leading logistics regions.

Langenfeld offers excellent access to a number of major motorways, which provide access to the markets of the Rhine-Ruhr conurbation and the Benelux countries.

The location of the property also benefits from its proximity to easily accessible public transport.

Ambiente Deutschland GmbH advised on environmental issues for this acquisition.


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